Mirror Man

Thanks for dropping by. What do you think, is my quest to attain a 'healthier' lifestyle paying off?

“Mirror mirror on the wall, can you see a change at all…?”

I’ve posted previously about how I believe weighing scales are evil. We get far too focused on what the scales ‘say’ instead of what we can see and how we feel.

Mirrors don’t lie, but most importantly, you don’t get the same level of instant disappointment from a mirror as you do from the scales (especially when the scales don’t say what we want them to say). You could have had an excellent week of exercise and healthy food, but if the scales don’t show a drop, you’re devastated. Is that you? I know it’s me.

No people, it’s time to change. Take a look in the mirror and trust how you feel.

How am I doing? All of these pictures, taken at the gym I attend here in Liverpool, are in date order from not long after when I started out, to present day. Click on the image to enlarge, then click it again to move to the next image. Tell me what you think, I trust you, honest…  🙂

7 Responses to Mirror Man

  1. Rachael says:

    Absolultey, change is clear already! Your whole blog is so inspiring, just got directed to it by a friend of yours, definitely going to keep checking in with you and hopefully lose some myself along the way. Oh, and you have lovely legs 😉

    Good luck, keep going!

    • paulbentley says:

      Thanks Rachael, I’m so pleased to have you join me in my journey. Things are good at the minute and I’m feeling good. Expect some posts of a more down beat nature when times get tough. Your input and comments then, will be invaluable.

      “I Can Do It..!”


  2. Pingback: Game, Set & Match « 224

  3. Sue Konkwo says:

    That teeshirt is hanging off you now, well done so proud of you xxx

  4. Natasha Demellweek says:

    Wow Krack from the photo on the 06-05-11 to the photo on the 17-06-11 you can really see the change in your shape. You are doing so well you should be so proud of yourself.

    Tasha xx

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